
The best tips to boost your sales

As a seller on Stuvia, you want to sell as many documents as possible. To attract your first visitors, you may need to engage in some promotional activities. We are here to help you with useful tips and tools to give your sales a significant boost.

Ensure a complete and honest advertisement

Ensure a complete and honest advertisement

It is important that potential buyers know exactly what to expect when they purchase your document. Make your advertisement as complete as possible by providing a title, adding the ISBN number of the book, naming the summarised chapters, including at least three sample pages, and adding at least seven keywords or tags that describe your document.

By making your advertisement transparent and comprehensive, you reduce the chance of receiving negative reviews. Customers will know exactly what to expect, allowing them to purchase your study document with confidence.

Create package deals and practice questions

Create package deals and practice questions

Provide as much value as possible to your customers. Combine multiple documents into a package deal and sell them at a different price. For example, offer a different package deal for each subject, semester, major, minor, or academic year.

Aim for at least 8 uploads

Aim for at least 8 uploads

We recommend to upload at least 8 documents. This increases the trust customers have in you and enhances your visibility on the platform.

Complete your store and share it on social media

Complete your store and share it on social media

Always ensure that your “knowledge store” is complete by adding your field of study, academic year, and institution to your profile. Polish your store by giving it a name and adding a bio. What added value do you offer to potential buyers, and are there specific things they should come to you for? Once your store is up to date, it's ready to be shared. Everywhere. Time to cash in!

Experiment with your prices

Experiment with your prices

You can always adjust the price of your document whenever you want. Take advantage of this and try different pricing strategies. For example, take advantage of the busy periods on Stuvia by raising your prices just before exam periods and then lowering them again after. Or adjust your prices based on demand: the more sales, the higher the price. If you want to know the price we recommend for your document, use our calculation tool in step 5 when editing your document.

Maintain contact with your customers

Maintain contact with your customers

Customer retention is crucial as a seller. Therefore, be honest and transparent in your advertisements and don't forget to respond to your customers. Answer their questions about your documents and respond to both positive and negative reviews you receive. This way, you will be seen as a reliable seller, and customers will be more inclined to purchase your documents.

Timing is key

Timing is key

The timing of offering your study documents can make a significant difference in your future sales. Make sure your documents are ready two weeks before the exam period and promote them extensively. This is the time when students start studying. If you miss this timing, upload your documents at least a week before the exams. This way, students in a time crunch will definitely find your study documents!

Do you have any good tips that are missing in this list? Tell us! We’ll generously reward anyone who comes up with a golden idea!

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